The authorization process for a financial institution involves preparing the business plan according to the BCB Normative Instruction 103/21, covering three scenarios: Base, conservative, and optimistic.
We oversee the process until the favorable manifestation of the Central Bank of Brazil ("Bacen"), we address any requirements that may arise, and conduct planning and orientation meetings with shareholders, partners, and/or directors for the Bacen interview.
Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with numerous successful authorization requests with Bacen. Beyond the entire authorization process, we have the expertise to support you after the favorable opinion, whether in outsourcing back-office routines such as accounting, tax, and payroll, as well as providing recommendations for selecting partners in various essential areas at the start of operations.
We assist you in the process of authorization and compliance with the regulatory standards of the Central Bank of Brazil.
Operational Support
We provide the back office you need to focus all your energy on your business.
Strategic Plan
We turn dreams and desires into concrete projects.
Strategic Consulting
We help your company comply with compliance best practices.
With outsourcing, your company is free to focus on activities that add value to the business and enjoy other advantages. By choosing outsourcing, it is possible to optimize your expenses, ensure compliance with legal requirements, obtain reliability of information, and generate reports with specific information that your company needs.
In addition to ensuring the excellence of the contracted service, we provide highly qualified professionals who can answer questions, guide your team and add to strategic decisions.
See the earnings from outsourcing:
Cost reduction
Process Agility
Highly specialized team
Best practices and adherence to the standards
Compliance with legal records
Freedom to focus on your business
Areas that FBispo can support you in outsourcing
- Preparation of accounting in accordance with accounting practices (CPC and IFRS);
- Adequacy to the standards of regulators;
- Review of the chart of accounts;
- Preparation of management reports suitable to the needs of Administration;
- Preparation of financial statements; Preparation of ancillary obligations; and
- Assistance in meeting the external audit.
- Financial management and/or processing of financial routines for accounts payable, billing, and accounts receivable;
- Analysis and reconciliation of bank statements and accounts receivable status; and
- Preparation of the cash flow report.
- Calculation and recording of direct and indirect taxes;
- Preparation of ancillary obligations;
- Preparation of federal tax compensation (PERD COMP); and
- Tax bookkeeping.
- Monthly payroll preparation;
- Calculation of charges, contributions, and taxes related to payroll;
- Assistance with employee admissions and terminations;
- Preparation of monthly reports on vacations and the 13th month pay; and
- Generation and submission of e-Social information.
FBispo's consulting work is done from client to client, we identify the individual need of your business and create the solution you need.
We understand and identify your needs and context;
We bring together employees with the necessary expertise to develop the solution;
We present the approach that will ensure the quality and excellence your business needs; and
We deliver the planned results with high quality meeting your needs.
Some of our consulting work:
Consulting on prudential regulation
Calculation for determining of Reference Equity
Implementation of new accounting standards
Preparation of financial statements
Report of previously agreed procedures
Preparation of opening balance sheet
Miscellaneous training
Manual policy making
Accounting diagnosis
Accounting valuation reports.